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Parent Training and Education

When working with younger children, it is important to recognize the important and, sometimes under recognized, role that caregiver play in the success of their child's behavior.  My emphasis is on caregiver support and training in order to assist with providing education to caregivers regarding their child's developmental behaviors.  My role is to assist with education and training around multiple areas individualized according to your own life situation and needs.  


Areas of focus included psychoeducation and positive parenting techniques.  Psychoeducation, the goal of which is to help people better understand (and become accustomed to living with) mental health conditions, is considered to be an essential aspect of all therapy programs. It is generally known that those who have a thorough understanding of the challenges they are facing as well as knowledge of personal coping ability, internal and external resources, and their own areas of strength are often better able to address difficulties, feel more in control of the condition(s), and have a greater internal capacity to work toward mental and emotional well-being.


  • Parent Management Training (PMT): In PMT parents are usually seen without the child present, although children (3 to 13) may be asked to participate in some sessions. Skills to deal more effectively with challenging behaviors are taught and modeled by the therapist and then role-played with parents. After each session, parents practice the skills at home. 

  • Positive Parenting Program (Triple P): Triple P is designed to treat child behavior problems from toddlerhood through adolescence and promote positive parent-child relationships. Its focus is on equipping parents with information and skills to increase confidence and self-sufficiency in managing child behavior.




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Mon-Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm

Saturdays: appt. only

after hours appts by request

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Katie Schroeder, LLC 

Holly Springs Counseling Center

300 West Earp St.,

Holly Springs, NC 27540

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